10 Steps to Dealing with Procrastination

With many students having midterms this week, procrastination is a major issue across campus. Never fear! Here are some tips to dealing with that never- ending procrastination we all face.

Step One: Before you do ANYTHING, make sure that your workspace is clean. A cluttered workspace will inhibit your thinking process, while a clean one will boost productivity. And while you’re at it, better clean the rest of your room.

Step Two: Make sure you are up to date with all your social networking. If you check Facebook or Twitter in the middle of your project, the distractions will prevent maximum concentration.

Step Three: Don’t start your work until you are ready – procrastination happens when the mind is unwilling to work. So watch an episode of your favorite show on Netflix … or a season ….

Step Four: Make a snack. The right food is like a warm-up for your brain (and belly!). Go for something that takes time to make (casserole, apple pie, etc.) so that you can complete step five while waiting.

Step Five: Find the coolest hobby you can on google. The key to being able to avoid procrastination is to know that you have something to look forward to when the work is over.

Step Six: Master said hobby. Be it skydiving, surfing, mountain hiking, or knitting, make it something you enjoy to do!

Step Seven: Call your friends and family to make sure they’re okay. Worrying about them is distracting and could lead to procrastination. If you have to chat to each one for half an hour, that’s fine.

Step Eight: By now you’re probably hungry again… so head to the café to make sure your brain still has some fuel left to run on.

Step Nine: Take a nap. After all this work dealing with procrastination, you deserve it.

Step Ten: Let’s face it… if you made it all the way to step ten (and the end of this article), you’re definitely procrastinating!


Disclaimer: All stories in The Chive are works of fiction. People involved in the stories may not have knowledge of their involvement. This section is meant to serve as a humorous break from the daily grind.

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